Laura's Page of Goodness

Music Appreciation

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Like just about anyone else you'll come across, music is a very important part of my life.

Some Bands, Musicians, and other musical whatnot I like


Led Zeppelin

David Bowie

The White Stripes


The Beatles

Tori Amos

The Hives (yes, the picture is really small)

Music I Play

I actually own three guitars. I have a Squire Strat that looks a lot like the one pictured here, and two accoustic guitars. I've been playing since I was 15.

I've been playing the alto sax for a little over a decade now (wow, I feel old). I started out in the 5th grade band, and have been in marching bands and other ensembles. I'm currently not playing in any bands right now, but I do like to take out my baby (yes, that's what I call it) and jam every now and then.

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