
100 Things Few People Know About Me
- When I was very young, I had a cat named Spotty. I used to grab Spotty
by the tail and drag him around the kitchen floor. My mom always stopped me, but when I did stop, Spotty would just roll around
on the floor wanting me to drag him around some more.
- After hearing a rap song that sampled “Kashmir” in the background,
I became interested in Led Zeppelin. Consequently, “Kashmir” is my absolute favorite Led Zeppelin song.
- If I’m swimming in a lake and a fish comes anywhere near me, I will
- In 1st grade, I made up a dance to the New Kids on the Block
song “The Right Stuff” and performed it in the school’s talent show. It shocked the socks off just about
everyone who knew me, because I’m usually very shy.
- My very first concert was Reba McEntyre and Brooks and Dunn at Blossom
Music Center. I believe I was 10 years old at the time.
- I love karaoke.
- I have considered auditioning for American Idol.
- My very first kiss was in pre-school, from a boy named Frank. Right after
that, I cried.
- I like eating with chopsticks.
- When I was in middle school,
I had a crush on this one boy whose attention I was always finding crazy ways to catch. One time, I called his house and had
my cat meow on his answering machine. Then, I found out that he had Caller I.D.
- I have never played on a sport’s team.
- I love grocery shopping for myself.
- I had a crush on my journalism teacher when I was in 12th grade.
My codename for him was “Beef”.
- A girl in my Advanced Public Speaking class last semester gave a speech
on the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Ever since then, I’ve decided to cut meat out of my diet. I feel much better about
myself because of it.
- I came to the realization that I am bisexual one day while I was eating
lunch at Taco Bell.
- I think eyeliner on men is incredibly sexy.
- One time, when I was 9 years old, I stole a pack of bubblegum from the
grocery store.
- I talk to myself.
- When I was 7, some boys from church taught me a skill that I believe has
great importance in my life; how to stick a spoon to my nose.
- I find myself strangely attracted to Bill Gates. It has nothing to do
with his money either.
- When eating a meal, I cannot tolerate having anyone’s cup on the
wrong side of their plate. The cup must be on the right!
- I love Barbie dolls.
- As of right now, I do not ever want to get a driver’s license.
- I can never remember people’s names, but I always remember their
pets’ names.
- I cry whenever I hear about animal abuse on the news.
- I don’t like wearing socks. As soon as I come home, I make sure
I’m barefoot.
- I buy Christmas and birthday presents for my cat.
- Sometimes, I watch the children’s shows on PBS.
- When I was little, I was convinced that the Mrs. Buttersworth syrup bottles
would come alive and talk to me. That’s what happened on the TV commercial, anyway.
- My absolute favorite TV show when I was little was Alf. I even went through
a short phase where I thought I was Alf.
- Men’s socks disgust me. Even if they’re fresh out of the package,
I swear I can smell foot odor when I look at them.
- My very first crush was on Jordan Knight from the New Kids on the Block.
- My current celebrity crush is David Bowie.
- I love bad Sci-Fi movies.
- I am against organized religion because I don’t like the idea of
one man telling everyone what to believe.
- I am afraid of Freddy Kruger.
- Almost every guy I had a crush on in high school had a name that started
with J; there was Jason, John, Jefferson, Jerry, and Jimi.
- I would never date someone who doesn’t like cats.
- It takes very little effort for me to be able to see the Magic Eye images.
- The best stage name I’ve ever heard is “Greg McMuffin”.
- I like guys with long hair.
- For a few months, I was jealous of my dog because I thought my mom liked
her more than me.
- I think British accents are sexy.
- I am terrified of heights. I don’t ride roller coasters, I refuse
to travel by plane, and just looking at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis makes me sick. I can’t even stand on a chair without
getting nervous.
- I had a dream that I had gorgeous red hair, and ever since then, I’ve
been obsessed with redheads. I finally decided to dye my hair red, and I love it.
- My absolute favorite album cover is the one to Greenday’s “Dookie”.
Every time I look at it, I spot something I’ve never noticed before.
- I would love to get a journalism degree from Ohio University.
- I used to be terrified that the end of the world was coming. One time,
I was at a friend’s house watching an anime movie in which this giant tree was causing the apocalypse, and I got so
scared that I almost threw up.
- I think Conan O’Brien is the funniest guy on TV.
- I hate poodles.
- Ralph Wiggum is my favorite character from The Simpsons. He has the greatest
lines ever. “Me fail English? That’s unpossible!”
- I used to make my own paper dolls.
- When I was little, I used to draw girl animals with bows on their heads,
and boy animals with penises.
- I developed a crush on a boy in 5th grade after he brought
in his pet iguana for show and tell.
- I am convinced that computers hate me.
- After watching A Christmas Story, I became paranoid about going anywhere
near metal objects during the winter.
- I constantly have to check my pockets to make sure my keys are still there.
- I don’t like using the phone. I like leaving messages on voice mail
even less.
- Thanks to my aunt, I got to spend a night camping at the Cleveland Zoo.
It was pretty cool too because we go to go on a night time tour of the zoo and look at the animals through night vision goggles.
- I was the weird kid who liked eating vegetables and always wanted to go
to bed early.
- I love hummus.
- I can crack my toe knuckles.
- I shave my arms.
- When I’m in a really good mood, I dance everywhere I go.
- I think my nose is cute.
- I would die happy if I could have a guitar jam session with Jimmy Page.
- I think purple is the greatest color ever.
- I will cry if someone cuts my hair too short.
- My cat eats bananas, blueberry waffles, and I once saw her run off with
a piece of a fortune cookie.
- My dad wanted to name me after Geddy Lee from Rush.
- When I was younger, I used to write stories about a bunch of cats that
were all best friends.
- The last concert I went to was Tuba Christmas. I secretly hoped I would
run into a certain someone there.
- I like to let glue dry on my hands, and then peel it off.
- I don’t like reality TV shows.
- I love Akron.
- My very favorite part of Akron is Highland Square. It has the greatest
record store and clothing store, and I love sitting outside of the Angel Falls coffee shop and people watching.
- I have the amazing ability to sense when there is a body of water nearby.
- I can find where I’m going by instinct, but I always managed to
get lost if I’m given specific directions.
- The menu at Starbucks intimidates me. There are way too many decisions
to make just for a cup of coffee.
- I won a blue ribbon in the high jump competition during field day when
I was in 4th grade.
- I came in 5th place in a spelling bee in 5th grade.
I got a participation trophy that has a bee on it that looks just like Urkel.
- When I’m having a creativity block, watching Star Wars gives me
- So far, I’ve only had one kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
- I plan on keeping my last name if I get married.
- “I Want You to Want Me” by Cheap Trick is the greatest song
ever, in my opinion.
- For a class, I once wrote a three-page feature article based on a Red
Meat comic strip. I got an A on it too.
- The only time I ever let myself get drunk is either if I’m with
friends or if I’m safe at home.
- I hate vodka. I think it tastes the way that nail polish smells.
- My musical guilty pleasures are ABBA and Culture Club.
- I know just about every line in Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
- I’m part of a bicycle activist group called Critical Mass.
- I wish I could stay 21 forever.
- My favorite shop at the mall is Hot Topic. They have so many weird items
and amusing t-shirts.
- I love musicals.
- I am eternally a band geek.
- I have looked in other people’s medicine cabinets.
- I love being in love.
- I have a stuffed cat named Joe that I sleep with every night.
- Francesca Lia Block is my favorite author.
- My first job was at Sea World when I was 16.
Better content coming soon. I promise. It will be way better than what's already here.





Where do I begin? I was born in 1983 in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. I'm currently a student
at The University of Akron, majoring in journalism, but thinking of switching to something else (maybe English?). I love writing.
That's what I plan on doing with my life. And maybe find a little time to play my saxophone and guitar in between. I'm mostly
single, but please don't try to ask me out because I can already tell you that I'm not interested (unless you're David Bowie).
I'm always updating my site, so please return as often as you like.
Yippee. It's a picture of me. I bet you're excited. I know I am.
I think everybody should look like a Southpark character. You could too, if only I could remember the link to the site
where you make these thingies.
Seriously. In the 2004 election, they were able to pass a law that says that unmarried couples cannot recieve the benefits
that married couples can. And by married couple, they mean a man and a woman. And this doesn't just hurt LGBT individuals.
It hurts any unmarried couple, whether they be gay or straight.
There's this saying we have in Ohio. The Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane, were from Ohio. John Glenn, the
first man in space, was from Ohio. It looks like Ohio is a good place to leave.
If church was like this, I would go. Yes, I am a geek.

Dance, my little kitty friends.
No Hands Kitty for President!
Aw. What a cute little kitty.
Woo! Look at all the blimps!
I don't think I like this version...
Salvador Dali rocks.

